Where is my order?

Processing time is 1-10 business days. Once shipped out, delivery will take 1-5 days depending on your location and selected shipping method.

How to get in contact with Customer Service?

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at [email protected] We will get back to you as soon as possible

Do you offer wholesale?

We do not currently offer any wholesale programs.

What to do if I entered the wrong delivery address by accident?

If you’ve entered the wrong delivery address on your order, please contact us via email ASAP so we can get your shipping address updated. We can only change your shipping address if the package has not been shipped out yet. Once your order has shipped out, there is unfortunately not much we can do to recover the package.

What to do if I entered the wrong delivery address by accident?

If you’ve entered the wrong delivery address on your order, please contact us via email ASAP so we can get your shipping address updated. We can only change your shipping address if the package has not been shipped out yet. Once your order has shipped out, there is unfortunately not much we can do to recover the package.

Do you guys offer returns?

Yes, we offer a 14-day period for returns. We also offer exchanges with the same grace period.